Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Week 4: Thakar Singh and the downfalls of gurudom (post 2)

It was crazy to hear that man state that he is a follower of Thakar and he feels that it would be easier to die for his guru than to live for him. I don't understand why someone would say that. I wouldn't personally die for someone like him. I believe that there is some form of brainwashing taking place here in situations like this. I couldn't let someone run my life for me and watch myself drift away wondering who I really am. To all his followers though that is perceived differently and he is seen as a God. He is even been accused of taking advantage of female followers of his and sexually and physically abusing them, which isn't right by any means, and these people would die for him? Wow! One lady ex-disciple was physically abused for 45 minutes and without asking him to stop because she and others saw him as a God.

Even though they did see him as a God, they still should have resisted all the assaults, because so many women suffered broken bones and they were abused by the one they looked up to spiritually. I could never join a group like this in which i see as a cult. It doesn't make any sense to be involved in a group especially where people are getting abused and assaulted. It is sad to hear all these stories of women who had to put up with all he put them through, and its good to know they are all now ex-disciples and no longer follow this man. They will have to forever live with all that happened to them in India by a man who was a God to them. To me he is just another sick person, not a God.

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