Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Week 4: Truth Lies (post 4)

This book is interesting because it is talking and underlining the main facts about the "truth" some people need to first doubt what they believe to be true, because sometimes the truth will lie to us all in different forms of lies. No one would ever see it at first because we all are blinded by the real truth and that is what we may never fully know and understand. For example if something feels too good to be true that's probably because it is. No one is perfect and we all want to see things through our own eyes and our own intentions, but the same goes for everyone else here on this world. People are ignorant and that is ok, it's just a matter of how we perceive our ignorance and how we can connect the dots in "lies" and the "truth." Sometimes if we want to believe in something so much, it can happen, but what if what we are believing in is deceiving us behind our backs?

I believe that everything we believe in is all just in our heads and is not reality. For example, some people will be so stressed out about something so small but to them it's something huge. It is just all in there heads and that is how they perceive it to be. Others may see things different than you but that is ok, because that is how they see life. That is why there are different types of people and personalities, like: depressed people, happy, bubbly, angry, stressed, rude, arrogant, selfish, honest, dishonest and much more. Everyone is just living life as they see it, and there is so many ways to interpret life itself it's just a matter of who's eyes your looking through. Many things on life come back to how the truth lies and it will and always will lie to us.

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