Friday, January 15, 2010

Week 1: Winner of the NUMINOUS AWARD: KARMA (post 1)

This film is reaching out to others letting/warning them about the big effects of karma... "what goes around, comes around." Karma isn't a pretty thing and can't be taken as a fool. When someone does something deceitful to you and hurtful in so many ways, the will at some point get it all back in some other form. We all co-exist on this planet and sometimes whats meant to happen will happen. We can't pick and choose what will happen to us or others around us, but the universe has crazy ways of bringing things together at the right time and right place.

In the film it states in the beginning, " the total effects of a persons actions." I believe that this is talking about how ones actions reflect other's sometimes unconsciously. In the video it shows a bad man walking by another man and stealing his bag, but karma is just right around the corner when that same bad man gets struck by an oncoming vehicle. That's how karma works, it's very mysterious and unpredictable. Be careful how you treat others, because if you don't treat others with respect, you will too be hit with the karma bomb and it's ticking.

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