Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week 2:Winner of the OTTO AWARD: ELEVEN (post 1)

This video really made me think about september 11th in a different way from a new perspective. I never thought of how some of the victims families would like to get revenge after that tragedy unfolded. It was an eye opening video for me because it showed that they mistakenly killed a young man because they thought that he was Muslim because he often wore a turban. I remember some people being murdered after September 11th because they were mistaken for a different religion than they actually were. I can't believe that murdering people actually exists in this world, it is sad to think that these poor people and in in this case the people in the video were murdered because the gang behind it was foolish enough to even consider taking revenge on what happened to a victim in their family.

I know that killers will continue to exist in our world because they let themselves continue to act out of stupidity and no emotion or remorse. I would like to see the opposite and people getting along no matter what religion or ethnic background they are from. You never know whats around the corner so I believe it is always a great idea to be aware of your environment at all times, even if you are somewhere close to home. No one deserves to be killed.

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