Saturday, July 25, 2009

Week 4: Dr. Gerald Edelman, Neuroscience Institute (post 9)

Edelman was talking at a seminar that was about 2 days. He talked about the brain and the mind. It all started off with a discussion on what is the mind? it has no formal definition, but what is it exactly made up of? The mind is so complex in all ways possible, I don't understand why and how it works, but it is such a mysterious part of human nature. They said that the mind is "perception,memory, language, consciousness, with our mind we make the world." The greeks believed that the mind came from the diaphragm.

The brain has so many parts to it that make it what it is, even cognitive computing was discussed in the seminar meaning engineering the mind, Psychology and neuro philosophy are two main factors not to mention mathematical processes contributing to the mind and putting together how it functions. Cognitive psychology plays the role of understanding the functions, cortex, and the parts of the brain like the cerebral cortex, hypo campus and it's functions. It also deals with what would happen to a person if these parts of the brain were damaged, and what the person would be left with.

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